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JFK Students Show Their Individuality on Dot Day

JFK Students Show Their Individuality on Dot Day thumbnail197601

JFK celebrated Dot Day on Sept. 15, inspired by the Peter Reynolds book “The Dot,” which was published Sept. 15, 2003. Teacher Briana Nussbaum worked with all of her art classes on Dot Day collaborative projects.

In the story, the character Vashti felt like she couldn’t draw, but her art teacher encouraged her to “just make a mark, and see where it takes you.” She marked her paper with a small dot, which was displayed the next day on the classroom wall, leading to her creation of many different dot drawings. The lesson of the book is that while a dot might be small, it is a powerful way to show individuality and creativity.

“Ms. Nussbaum helped build confidence in her students, to inspire them to be unique and brave,” said Principal Kelly Benson.