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A Wonderful 100th Day of School at Deer Park’s Elementaries

JQA & MM 100th Day of School  thumbnail255311

Deer Park’s John Quincy Adams Primary School and May Moore Primary School celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 8, dressing the part with enthusiasm.

May Moore’s annual tradition is for the school’s second-graders to dress as if they are 100 years old. The students also celebrated 100 days of learning by participating in activities in which they count to 100, collecting 100 words and creating projects with 100 items. At JQA, each grade level celebrated the day in a different way. Kindergarteners brought in 100th day projects that contained 100 items of their choosing, first graders dressed up like centenarians and second graders participated in 100th day rotating centers.  
“We love to celebrate this day every year at JQA, and we all had a wonderful time,” JQA Principal Christopher Molinelli said.

“Our students had a fantastic time celebrating the 100th day of school,” May Moore Principal Tammy Alcalde said. “It is a fun day of learning and celebrating!”

Date Added: 2/16/2024